Shortcut keys

Features Mac keyboard Windows keyboard
Toggle Camera V V
Toggle Microphone Space bar / M Space bar / M
Toggle participants panel ⌘ + P Ctrl + P
Toggle group chat panel ⌘ + U Ctrl + U
Toggle information panel ⌘ + I Ctrl + I
Toggle attachment panel ⌘ + E Ctrl + E
Send message In input box, press Enter In input box, press Enter
Close the top floating panel Esc Esc
Display / Hide controls ⌘ + J Ctrl + J
Switch between meeting room / console ⌘ + ` Ctrl + `
Exit room ⌘ + W Ctrl + W
In interpretation booth
Listen to floor channel ⌘ + 1 Ctrl + 1
Listen to first language ⌘ + 2 Ctrl + 2
Listen to second language ⌘ + 3 Ctrl + 3
Toggle Microphone M M
Toggle on air button Space bar Space bar
Interpret into the first language
Interpret into the second language
Switch over signal / /
Increase floor channel volume ⌘ + or S Ctrl + or S
Reduce floor channel volume ⌘ + or A Ctrl + or A
Increase booth channel volume ⌥ + or X Alt + or X
Reduce booth channel volume ⌥ + or Z Alt + or Z
Show / hide booth videos ⌘ + B Ctrl + B
Practicum/Mock conference mode
Next relay booth (booth number + 1) = =
Previous relay booth (booth number - 1) - -